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музыкальной композиции
Giuseppe Verdi
Triumphal March (Aida)

An infantry fighting vehicle on the chassis of the Boomerang unified wheeled combat platform is an 8x8 amphibious wheeled armored vehicle designed to transport infantry and special units during a march, protect the crew and troops against small arms fire, landmines, shell splinters, NBC effects, as well as provide fire support to units in the field.

The Boomerang offers high levels of firepower, protection and mobility meeting current market requirements.
The use of advanced technologies in multi-level protection systems provides unsurpassed protection against KE ammunition and various explosive devices. The combat vehicle's integrated weapon system is capable of effectively engaging enemy manpower, firing positions, today's low-flying low-speed air and ground armored targets like a tank from the halt, on the move and afloat in any weather, day or night.

Dimensions, weight
In accordance with today's world market needs, a new layout scheme was adopted for the vehicle: the driving compartment is located at the front left, with the engine compartment at the front right, the fighting compartment in the middle, and the troop compartment at the rear of the vehicle.
8 805
Length, mm
3 187
Width, mm
3 185
Height, mm
no more than 28.6
Combat weight, t

The vehicle can negotiate various obstacles and has the best cross-country performance owing to a powerful Russian-made multi-fuel diesel engine and an independent hydro-pneumatic suspension.

The Boomerang combat vehicle features good cross-country ability when moving on weak soils (swampy and sandy terrain), in the mountains and has best stability when climbing and descending, moving on a slope and on turns when driving at high speeds.
Cruising fuel range, km
Endurance on the water, hours
at least 100
Max road speed, km/h
at least 10
Max speed afloat, km/h

YAMZ-780 diesel engine with power output, hp
The vehicle can move across water obstacles afloat even in Sea State 3 conditions.

Crew, Troops
The combat vehicle is offered for equipping Marine and Army special and infantry units. It can be effectively used in full-scale fighting, low-intensity armed conflicts and peacekeeping operations.
  • Сrew
  • Troops

Armament - unmanned, remote-controlled weapon station:
30 mm 2A42 automatic gun:
Rounds of two types
4 000
Мax firing range up to, m
Coaxial 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun:
2 000
Rounds of ammunition in one belt
2 000
Max firing range, m
Kornet-EM anti-tank missile system:
(2 missiles in each launcher)
up to 8
Max range against ground targets, km
With similar-type of weapons, the Boomerang can fire two Kornet-EM anti-tank guided missiles in a single beam to engage targets equipped with ERA and active protection systems, surpassing its foreign counterparts in armor penetration.

Joint-Stock Company Rosoboronexport is Russia's only state-controlled intermediary in the area of exports and imports of the entire range of military and double-purpose products, technologies and services. The Company is actively involved in pursuing national policy of the Russian Federation in the area of military technical cooperation with foreign countries.
The official status of exclusive state-controlled special exporter provides Rosoboronexport with unique opportunities of enlarging a long-term mutually beneficial collaboration with international partners, of strengthening Russia's leadership in the global arms market.
Joint-Stock Company Rosoboronexport is Russia's only state-controlled intermediary in the area of exports and imports of the entire range of military and double-purpose products, technologies and services. The Company is actively involved in pursuing national policy of the Russian Federation in the area of military technical cooperation with foreign countries.
The official status of exclusive state-controlled special exporter provides Rosoboronexport with unique opportunities of enlarging a long-term mutually beneficial collaboration with international partners, of strengthening Russia's leadership in the global arms market.