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Georgy Sviridov
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The 9K515 multiple rocket launcher (MRL) has been developed around the 9K58 Smerch system and is designed to launch saturation attacks against enemy motorized infantry, tank, artillery and missile units, including precision guided weapon systems; in the tactical depth, in staging areas, in transit, in firing positions and at missile launch sites; command and control points, signal posts, air/missile defense and electronic warfare assets, as well as logistics support facilities and military-industrial infrastructure.
The main fire mode of the LV is indirect fire based on full preparation of ballistic data from surveyed and unsurveyed firing positions with a slope of no more than three degrees, in the absence of visible ground marks, with control of laying drives and lift jacks, as well as rocket launches without the crew leaving the cabin. In addition, it is also possible to control missile launches and bring the LV into travel position from remote control.
    • 9A54-E launch vehicle (LV)
    • 9T255 transporter-loader vehicle
    • 9F757 arsenal equipment
    • guided rockets with a cluster warhead scattering HEAT-Frag submunitions
    • Smerch artillery rockets with various warheads
    Advantages of 9K515
    over Smerch MRL
    Improved performance of the 9K515 over the Smerch with the same overall weight and energy characteristics of the rocket and its warhead has been achieved through an increase in a lift-to-drag ratio of the rocket and its control along the entire flight path.
    • 1
      Firing range
      1.7-fold increase in the maximum firing range
    • 2
      Firing accuracy
      Deviation of the 9K515 guided rockets from the target is 3-15 times less than that of Smerch rockets
    • 3
      5-fold reduction of the personnel involved
    • 4
      Engagement of several targets
      Capability to fire a salvo by one LV at several targets without moving the cluster of launch tubes
    • 5
      Time-to-fire from receiving target data is reduced to 75 seconds
    • 6
      Full salvo time
      Full salvo time (for guided rockets) is 33 seconds
    The launch vehicle's equipment provides independent ground navigation and survey control, automated data exchange with the command and control vehicle, calculation of firing and flight mission data, preparation of all types of rockets for firing, launch tube cluster laying on the target, laying and fire control at any time year-round. Single launches, full or partial salvos are possible.

    Dimensions, weight
    Launch vehicle:
    12 370
    Length, mm
    3 050
    Width, mm
    3 050
    Height, mm
    Total weight of the equipped launch vehicle, t
    Number of launch tubes
    Transporter-loader vehicle:
    12 480
    Length, mm
    3 150
    Width, mm
    3 530
    Height, mm
    Total weight of the transporter-loader vehicle with rockets and crew, t
    Number of rockets carried by the transporter-loader vehicle

    Chassis of launch vehicle / transporter-loader vehicle -
    MAZ-543M / MAZ-543A
    Engine power, hp
    Max speed of full-load launch vehicle / transporter-loader vehicle on paved roads, km/h
    at least 800
    Operational range of launch vehicle / transporter-loader vehicle, km

    Crew, Troops
    • Launch vehicle
    • Transporter-loader
      vehicle crew

    Guided rockets with a maximum firing range of 120 km have been developed around the Smerch MRL's guided rockets.
    The 9M544 cluster guided rocket is designed to destroy armored and soft-skinned vehicles, fixed and moving single and group targets, including command posts, signal centers, military-industrial facilities, etc.
    Maximum firing range, km
    Number of shaped charge/fragmentation submunitions equipped with direct-action impact fuze, pcs
    Armour penetration of the submunition, mm
    Self-destruction time, s
    The 9M549 cluster guided rocket with fragmentation submunitions is used to destroy soft-skinned targets and enemy manpower.
    Maximum firing range, km
    Number of fragmentation submunitions equipped with direct-action impact fuze, pcs
    96 / 360
    When the submunition detonates on impact, it produces 96 pre-formed fragments weighing 4.5 g and 360 fragments weighing 0.75 g.
    running time, s
    The Tornado-S MRL can fire all types of rockets used by the Smerch.

    Joint-Stock Company Rosoboronexport is Russia's only state-controlled intermediary in the area of exports and imports of the entire range of military and double-purpose products, technologies and services. The Company is actively involved in pursuing national policy of the Russian Federation in the area of military technical cooperation with foreign countries.
    The official status of exclusive state-controlled special exporter provides Rosoboronexport with unique opportunities of enlarging a long-term mutually beneficial collaboration with international partners, of strengthening Russia's leadership in the global arms market.
    Joint-Stock Company Rosoboronexport is Russia's only state-controlled intermediary in the area of exports and imports of the entire range of military and double-purpose products, technologies and services. The Company is actively involved in pursuing national policy of the Russian Federation in the area of military technical cooperation with foreign countries.
    The official status of exclusive state-controlled special exporter provides Rosoboronexport with unique opportunities of enlarging a long-term mutually beneficial collaboration with international partners, of strengthening Russia's leadership in the global arms market.